Hey Everyone! I have some exciting news (and a bit of a story)
The process of going after what I really want in life is not easy, because there are no road maps. This year was supposed to be my first year of my MFA program. Last minute things changed and I had to withdraw- deeming myself the "Grad School Dropout" ( I kind of like this title- I think it is fitting for an artist- it means I am too cool for school right?)
After leaving school I went through a period of feeling really confused, lost, and depressed- I felt like I was failing. I don't want to give up on growing as an artist, taking this career path serious, and really fighting to reach my full potential. But this period of time has taught me that this is all apart of my journey. Not just as an artist- but as a person. This residency has reaffirmed that life works out- even if its not how you pictured it.
I have always wanted to study in Latin America- and here I am, a week away from accomplishing this goal. A goal I may not have tried to accomplish if I was currently in graduate school.
This opportunity has really given me the "boost" of energy I need to enjoy the process and not put so much pressure on myself to have all of the answers.
Now for my exciting news! Last year I branched off from my portraiture work to look into my history as a it pertains to Puerto Rico. It was an uncomfortable project, met with some resistance and even tears. But it has taken my practice down new and exciting paths. This work is a bit darker than my other series, but it is a history that was important for me to look into as I try to understand my own cultural background.
Today this work is featured on the Lenscratch website:
Please take the time to check it out, I would love to hear your thoughts and feedback!